
title unknown

title unknown - Print; Woodcut
Accession #: 2687.11B
Title: title unknown
Object Type: Print; Woodcut
Physical Description: An actor in the garb of a two sworded samurai sits on a grey floor in an enclosure formed by blue bamboo poles embedded in a yellowish beam. The area beyond the poles is dark grey and may indicate a night scene. A cherry tree blooms at the left. The actor wears the kamishimo garment commonly worn by actors and samurai which consists of a stiff shouldered jacket and ankle length trousers called a habama. The colors of this outfit are red, orange (the lining), medium blue, peach, pale peach, grey and white. Large peach design utilizing stylized characters and peony blossoms are shown on a blue background with horizontal regularly spaced bands of peach stripes in groups of three. White characters appear at the shoulders and again on the sleeve of an underrobe which has a peach ground and a pattern of grey paulounia crests interspersed in a zigzag lattice design. The actor's face, hands and visible foot are white with red-orange at the lips and lower eyelids.
Category: Art
Related Objects:
2687.11A (Kunisada, Print; Woodcut, title unknown, after 1844)
Woodblock (Artwork->Print), Figurative (Artwork->Subject)
Geographical Reference: Japan (International->Asia)
Support Dimensions H x W 16 x 13 3/4"
Image Dimensions HxW 13 1/4 x 9 3/8"
Mat Dimensions HxW 20 x 16"
Woodblock print
On work: Japanese inscriptions Location: UL, LL and R corner Zodiac sign for year of the ox Signature: Toyokuni
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 1940
public domain
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