
title unknown

title unknown - Print; Woodcut
Accession #: 2687.11A
Title: title unknown
Object Type: Print; Woodcut
Physical Description: An actor in a female role stands with body facing left and head turned right in an area enclosed by wide-spaced, blue, bamboo poles. In one hand he grasps a sprig of cherry blossoms to which is attached a poem slip. He wears an outer robe of blue and pale orange chrysanthemums interspersed with bluish green leaves and star shaped objects on a pale peach background. It seems to be lined with orange and is worn over a peach kimono tied with a black brocade patterned obi. The inner robe is a blue and white sayagota pattern. The floor of the area is gray and the bamboo poles are embedded in large yellowish beams. The area outside the enclosure is dark gray. A cherry tree seems to be growing within the enclosure at the extreme right margin. 2687.11a, b, and c probably comprise a triptych with a) the left hand panel, b) the center panel and c) the right panel. One or two other panels may have been included to the left.
Category: Art
Related Objects:
2687.11B (Kunisada, Print; Woodcut, title unknown, after 1844)
Woodblock (Artwork->Print), Figurative (Artwork->Subject)
Geographical Reference: Japan (International->Asia)
Support Dimensions H x W 15 1/2 x 13 7/8"
Image Dimensions HxW 13 1/4 x 9 3/8"
Mat Dimensions HxW 20 x 16"
Woodblock print
On work: 1785-1864 Kunisada Location: typed on LR edge of support Zodiac sign for year of the ox Signature: Toyokuni Location:
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 1940
public domain
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