
Moriyasu, Saya

Last Name: Moriyasu
First Name: Saya
*1966 (Date of Birth)
Biography/History: Saya Moriyasu was born in Portland, Oregon and now lives and works in Seattle, Washington. She was born into a family of artists. Her father was an abstract expressionist painter as well as a photographer in transcendental photography, her mother and grandmother were tea ceremony masters, her aunt was a dancer. Her heritage is Japanese and European, which is equally explored in themes in her art. Early inspiration for her art came when she studied abroad in Japan when she was 15 years old, saying, “something clicked. I took so many art classes / clubs after school.” She received her BFA in Ceramic Sculpture in 1991 from the University of Washington, Seattle. While at university she was influenced by UW professors Akio Takamori and Patti Warashina. After graduation from UW, she did a residency at Centrum in Port Townsend, WA.
Related Objects:
4234.20 (Sculpture, Waiting Lady #256, 2007)
4234.21 (Sculpture, Waiting Lady #238, 2007)
4234.22 (Sculpture, Waiting Lady #229, 2007)