

Untitled - Painting
Accession #: 3545.11
Title: Untitled
Object Type: Painting
Physical Description: Framed oil on canvas behind glazing. Landscape painting of a snow covered trail next to a river with mountains in the background at either sunset or sunrise.
Category: Art
Oil (Artwork->Painting); Landscape (Artwork->Subject)
Object H x W 16 x 24"
oil (Material)
canvas (Material)
Credit Line: Gift of Louis Livingston, 1991
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Through the protection of Fair Use (section 107, title 17, U.S. Code), we are able to provide thumbnail images of works in our collection for which we may not hold the rights. If you are the current rights holder to a work housed in our permanent collection, we would like to make your works available for educational use. Please contact the Registrar to discuss reproduction permissions.

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