
The Debutante

The Debutante - Painting
Accession #: 1658.3
Title: The Debutante
Object Type: Painting
Physical Description: Framed oil painting of a woman with red hair; she has roses in her hair and is wearing a pearl necklace.
Category: Art
Portrait (Artwork->Subject), Women (Women); Oil (Artwork->Painting)
Paper Dimensions H x W 12 x 16 "
Image Dimensions HxW 11 3/4 x 15 3/4"
Frame Dimensions H x W x D 14 3/4 x 18 3/4"
oil paint (Material)
canvas (Material)
Obverse Signature: monogram, LRC obverse. Verso: Inscriptions on frame: " 'THE DEBUTANTE', Sir John Millais, Signed, Dated 1872 (?), [in pen] (1829-1896) [in pencil]; P.R.B. - R.A.; same model as cherry 'Cherry Red', age 17; [four letters illegible] Mrs. Craig; Certified by Olaf Blanet Barnett, Kinnerton Gallery London."
Credit Line: Gift of Dr. Richard J. Bailey
public domain
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