
Symbolic Plate

Symbolic Plate - Etching
Accession #: 2700.1
Title: Symbolic Plate
Object Type: Etching
Physical Description: Composition of four figures. In the center, a nude male figure of Christ with a pierced side and thorn branches on his head and beneath his body. A stooping clothed figure touches the wound in the side while leaning on a sword. To the left and right, two nude figures hanging from a tree. One of the figures is female.
Category: Art
Figurative (Artwork->Subject), Print (Artwork)
Geographical Reference: Germany (International->Europe)
Paper Dimensions H x W 11 3/4 x 17 3/4"
Image Dimensions HxW 4 3/4 x 13 "
Mat Dimensions HxW 16 x 20 "
paper (Material)
ink (Material)
On work: writing, stamp Location: top center Muenchen-22 lower left
Credit Line: Found in Collection, 1978
public domain
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