
Sunporch Rug

Sunporch Rug - Rug
Accession #: 784.54
Title: Sunporch Rug
Object Type: Rug
Physical Description: High-quality wool rug, hand-knotted using the Persian technique. Overall solid background with simple design of blue and wine-colored flowers and butterflies. Background colors: field of brown, inner guard border of light blue, main border of navy blue, and outer guard border of brown.
Description: In 1916 Grace Campbell expanded a section of her home's wrap-around veranda, creating an enclosed sunporch overlooking the Spokane River. She filled the room with plants and Asian-style designs: decorative wallpaper above the room's many windows, wicker chairs, a lacquered table, and a Chinese rug.
Category: Campbell Collection
Floor Covering (Furnishing)
Geographical Reference: China (International->Asia); Campbell House (Washington->Spokane County->Spokane)
Object L x W 140 x 122"
wool (Material)
Credit Line: W.W. Powell Estate, 1973

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