
Patsy Clark Portrait

Patsy Clark Portrait - Painting; Case
Accession #: 2710.4
Title: Patsy Clark Portrait
Object Type: Painting; Case
Patsy Clark (subject)
Physical Description: Miniature oil painting portrait (a) on ivory or celluloid and case (b), depicting "Patsy" Clark done after his death; depicted here in a dark blue suit, white shirt, black necktie, and jeweled tie pin. His hair is still brown. He has bushy eyebrows and mustache with touches of grey.
Category: Art
Portrait (Artwork->Subject), Men (Men)
oil paint (Material)
celluloid (Material)
ivory (Material)
"Quincy", artist signature, IL corner; "1920", UL corner
Credit Line: Museum Purchase
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Through the protection of Fair Use (section 107, title 17, U.S. Code), we are able to provide thumbnail images of works in our collection for which we may not hold the rights. If you are the current rights holder to a work housed in our permanent collection, we would like to make your works available for educational use. Please contact the Registrar to discuss reproduction permissions.

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