
Hum, Scratch

Hum, Scratch - Assemblage
Accession #: 4194.1
Title: Hum, Scratch
Object Type: Assemblage
Physical Description: Assemblage consists of 4 separate square units that hang together to make one large square. Each of the units are constructed from interlocking plastic newspaper banding and twist ties.
Description: This is a major work by an Inland Northwest artist. Bradd Skubinna lives and works in Spokane as an artist and educator.
Category: Art
Abstract (Artwork->Subject); Mixed Media (Artwork)
overall height 162"
overall width 180"
plastic (Material)
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, Works from the Heart Art Acquisition Fund, 2008
copyright will revert upon death to MAC
Copyright Holder: Bradd Skubinna, Spokane
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