
Hoopa Tribe North California 1922

Hoopa Tribe North California 1922 - Photograph; Cyanotype
Accession #: 2962.882
Title: Hoopa Tribe North California 1922
Object Type: Photograph; Cyanotype
Hupa (depicted)
Physical Description: Cyanotype photograph os a man with a long spear neeling above the water with a waterfall in the background.
Description: Cyanotypes, noted for their blue tint, were inexpensive, simple to make and often used in the field by Curtis to proof negatives. None of these images were published in The North American Indian, but are like images seen in Volume 13: The Hupa. The Yurok. The Karok. The Wiyot. Tolowa and Tututni. The Shasta. The Achomawi. The Klamath. Because of the nature of cyanotypes and Curtis' use of these prints, very few have survived, but he most likely made one of these prints for each of the 40,000 negatives he exposed for this project.
Category: Art
Figurative (Artwork->Subject); Photograph (Artwork); American Indian (Diversity); Men (Men)
Geographical Reference: California (National)
Image Dimensions HxW 9 1/2 x 7 1/2"
Mat Dimensions HxW 10 x 12 "
paper (Material)
Related Exhibits:
Credit Line: Museum Transfer, Fort Wright Historical Museum, 1983
public domain
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