
Grand Coulee

Grand Coulee - Painting
Accession #: 3549.1
Title: Grand Coulee
Object Type: Painting
Physical Description: Watercolor painting of an arid eastern Washington landscape, coulee with buildings and telephone poles.
Description: Edmond James Fitzgerald was born in Seattle in 1912 and studied at the California School of Fine Arts in San Francisco. After returning to Seattle, Fitzgerald studied with and was influenced by prominent northwest Mark Tobey and Eustace Ziegler. He was known to paint portraits, however he prefered landscapes as his subject matter and particularly marine landscapes. In the late 1930s, Fitzgerald was painting in the Cascade mountain range as well as on the Oregon coast, in particular at Haystack Rock, Fitzgerald's love of water and marine images is strongly associated with the Pacific Northwest; this deftly executed eastern Washington watercolor landscape is a welcome departure from his typical coastal subject matter.
Category: Art
Landscape (Artwork->Subject), Watercolor (Artwork->Painting)
Geographical Reference: Grand Coulee Dam (Regional)
Image Dimensions HxW 10 x 13 3/4"
Frame Dimensions H x W x D 17 1/4 x 21 1/2"
Watercolor (Material)
"Edmond J. FitzGerald", artist's signature, LRC of painting
Related Exhibits:
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 1991
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